Universiteiten in Brabant & partners organiseren een keer in de maand: ‘Venture Visionaries’. Een (online) event om de ondernemers van de toekomst, student ondernemers, te inspireren. 27 mei vindt de tweede editie plaats. Dit is een Engelstalig event, meer weten? Lees snel verder!
Universities in Brabant and partners are joining forces to inspire (future) student entrepreneurs. Fontys (Centre for Entrepreneurship), Avans, Buas, HAS, JADS, Tilburg University IQONIC, TU/e, Station88 and Braventure will monthly organize Venture Visionaries. The second online edition will take on the 27th of May. Pal-V and Nølson will share their experiences and how they faced the obstacles during covid-19.

PAL-V sells the first flying-car in the world. The first PAL-V Liberty models on the market will be the limited Edition. The limited Edition marks the launch of the flying car era.
The initial idea sparked when Co-Founder John Bakker started flying in 1999. Like every pilot he became frustrated that flying invariably involves departing from a location that is inconvenient and landing somewhere you do not want to be. Always leaving a car and a plane/helicopter behind. Thus, he embarked on a journey to create a car that could fly. A dream cherished by mankind for more than 100 years. PAL-V will share their story during Venture Visionaries on how they will achieve their goals, especially during covid-19.
Nølson is founded by Niek Koedam. Nølson tries to conquer the shirt market (but doesn’t want to become Suitsupply). How will Niek achieve this goal?
After his studies, Niek immediately went to work setting up Nolson. Nølson produces and sells shirts that you can wear both casually and formally and also offers value for your money. Nicely made shirts are always very expensive, cheap ones are anything but nicely made. A little dull with chest pockets and such, but that’s not what students and recent graduates are waiting for. The target group they serve is clear: young men. With at a decent price of 50 euros.
But how do you survive as a clothing brand among the large supply and where many clothing stores go bankrupt – even during Covid-19? Niek will share more about his adventure during Venture Visionaries.
This event is organized to inspire future entrepreneurs. Are you joining us?